ArcelorMittal Poland deploys WCM methodology
Bożena Gajdzik, in his white paper, does an excellent job in outlining the processes used by ArcelorMittal Poland to deploy Total Productive Maintenance and WCM within their factory.
I have taken the liberty of outlining the “coles notes” in the bullets below. This paper is worth a read if you are interested in World Class Manufacturing (WCM), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Autonomous Maintenance (AM) and Professional Maintenance (PM).
World Class Manufacturing (WCM)
The goal of the World Class Manufacturing (WCM) methodology is to use the best available work practices in order the achieve the best efficiency on an operational level.
WCM is based on the assumption that if you banish all waste you will create wealth.
Achievement of WCM standards requires the implementation of a set of coordinated activities in the areas of:
quality improvement
work safety
work organization
enterprise management
cooperation with surrounding
rational resources management
development of employees
management of costs
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
The goal of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is to reduce breakdowns and increase the efficiency of the production line through the full support of the total workforce, including top management and staff.
- Autonomous Maintenance (AM) and Professional Maintenance (PM) are both operational pillars of WCM and part of TPM.
Autonomous Maintenance (AM)
Autonomous Maintenance (AM) as a pillar of WCM deals with the increased of efficiency of production line through the actions of devices operators (each worker is responsible for the device with which they are working). This frees up maintenance staff time to be spent on Professional Maintenance activities.
Operators use AM processes to eliminate anomalies connected to machines, such as minor failures, abnormal working of device, minor errors, etc.
Anomalies are captured, recorded and categorized.
Machines, Assemblies and Components (All known as “Devices”) on a line are prioritized based on how critical they are to the production process. AA = most critical, A,B, and C classifications mean less critical.
Devices are also categorized based on their to influence on potential losses resulting from quality failures.
Losses are categorized into groups depending on what they affect, i.e. Equipment, Humans, Resources, Materials, or Media (i.e. water).
KPIs are assigned to each loss so that they can be measured over time.
Goals are established for the KPIs, usually a % increase/decrease year-over-year.
Professional Maintenance (PM)
Professional Maintenance (PM) is focused on the actions of specialized maintenance services which deal with structural approaches to eliminate machine breakdowns.
Professional Maintenance is very closely associated to Preventive Maintenance because a major goal of PM is to establish a schedule of inspections and repairs designed to prevent machine breakdowns.
The maintenance team roles within the PM context are as follows:
Technical Maintenance Activities
Manage costs associated with maintenance
Train and help operators with AM
Create and adapt AM and PM schedules
The Kaizen philosophy is deployed to devise solutions and implementation plans.
Quick Kaizens are short projects where a problem, root cause and action plan is established relatively quickly.
Kobetsu Kaizen requires the creation of a group on continuous improvement and is implemented in 10 steps.
Early Equipment Management, which is also a WCM Pillar, is more concerned with the development of new technologies and improvements that reduce maintenance requirements.