Maintenance Programs


Behavior-Based Safety Observations

Erradicate 90% of facility safety incidents, which are caused by at-risk behaviors, not conditions.


End of Shift Report

Enhance communications between shifts including defects, abnormalities and commentary.


Shift Report

Comprehensive shift-to-shift reporting on production, safety, quality, maintenance, etc.


Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Uncover one or many root causes for a given abnormality.


Parts Checkout and Inventory Management

Add parts to work orders and manage parts inventory.

Maintenance Dashboards

Customizable reporting dashboards.


5S Audit Report

Where, when and by whom are 5S audits occurring. What are the average scores by line, shift, etc. and what are the key outcomes?


Abnormality Reporting (F-Tag)

Who is submitting Abnormality reports, where are they occurring, and what are the outcomes?


Autonomous Maintenance Report

Is your Autonomous Maintenance scheduling being followed? What is compliance and failure rate by line, machine, shift, etc.?


Behavior-Based Safety Observations

Where and by whom are observations being submitted? What are priority at-risk behaviors and what are key outcomes?


Calendar Report

When are things happening, in calendar format?

quiz reports

Employee Quiz Report

Frontline Worker Quiz Report live demo. Understand instantly the training status of your workers, including who is assigned training and who has passed.

Ultimate Guide to Success with Autonomous Maintenance

Everything you need to know about how Autonomous Maintenance works and the best practices gleaned from our 10+ years of experience helping organizations achieve success.

Everything you need to know about how Autonomous Maintenance works and the best practices gleaned from our 10+ years of experience helping organizations achieve success.


Take a Guided Tour.

In just 30 minutes you will learn about customizing and using forms, workflow automation, reviewing reports, and sharing data with other business systems.