Drive Digital Transformation with Weever Accelerate

The Weever Accelerate Program is designed to get you up and running with Weever’s software quickly and efficiently.

Weever Accelerate Program Banner image
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Weever Accelerate is a 3-week intensive program designed to maximize and expedite the outcomes you aim to achieve with the Weever Connected Worker Platform.

Capitalize on momentum and ensure adoption with rapid implementation. Ensure ownership and engagement through personalized capability building, intently focused on objectives to deliver on KPIs and ROI.

  • Evaluate submissions

    Get Fully Launched Quickly

  • Foster collaboration

    Build and Sustain Capabilities

  • Monitor action items

    Maximize and Accelerate Return

3-Week Acceleration,
At A Glance

Get started with Weever and see results in just 3-weeks.
Weever Accelerate is your go-to action plan for a
more efficient workplace.

2 Weeks Prior

Kick Off

Week 1

From the beginning, we focus on identifying high-value areas and building your team's capabilities through the digitization of one or more use cases. Our team will come on-site to ensure a strong start and hands-on support.

Week 2

Guided Implementation & Monitoring

Our team will monitor your pilot program’s progress, providing expert guidance and support to ensure a smooth transition to Weever.

Week 3

By Week 3, you’ll be ready for a full launch of your Connected Worker Platform for your specific use cases. We’ll come on-site to assist with the launch and help you develop a plan to roll out Weever across your entire organization.


Continued Support

Hypercare meetings to drive adoption and value with ongoing support.

Accelerate Your Program Digitization

The Accelerate Program begins with a kickoff meeting before the first on-site session, to ensure a smooth and efficient training experience.

1-2 Weeks Before On-Site:

  • Group 11 (4)

    We work with you to define goals, outcomes, and agenda/itinerary for 3 weeks, ensuring everyone’s on the same page.

  • Group 11 (5)

    We’ll take the time to review programs/use cases and develop a game plan for a smooth rollout.

  • Group 11

    Our Accelerate Program specialists optimize your platform and build the first forms during the onsite workshop, saving you time.

Launchpad for Success

Week 1 of the Weever Accelerate Program is designed to get you up and running quickly with immediate benefits.

  • Group 11

    By identifying and digitizing one or more program use cases, we put Weever software to work for you right away.

  • Group 11

    Our team comes to your site
to streamline the implementation process, ensuring a seamless transition.

  • Group 11

    The soft launch prep continues as we build your essential forms and schedules to save you time and effort.

  • Group 11

    With hands-on guidance in action item management, schedule management, and dashboard reporting, we’ll ensure a smooth transition and maximize user adoption for your team leaders and frontline staff.

  • Group 11

    We conduct follow-up health checks to gather feedback and ensure everything is running smoothly.


Week 2:

Monitor, Refine, and Scale

In Week 2, we keep the momentum going with ongoing support, optimization, remote monitoring and guidance for the pilot program.

  • Frame 252

    Our team closely monitors your pilot program’s performance and provides personalized guidance to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Frame 252

    Regular video calls allow us to address any questions and fine-tune your Weever usage for maximum benefits.

  • Frame 252

    Collaborate with your admins to build materials for additional program use cases, paving the way for broader implementation.

  • Frame 252

    Begin configuring your Weever Dashboard Report (if applicable), providing valuable insights to optimize your program.

Launch and Rollout

Week 3 is all about scaling and achieving full program adoption.

Launch and Rollout
  • Frame 252 (1)

    We come back on-site to fine-tune and help launch your program, ensuring everything is optimized for success.

  • Frame 252 (1)

    Collaboration continues as we develop a comprehensive rollout plan with clear timelines, ensuring a smooth expansion across your entire program.

  • Frame 252 (1)

    Our guidance continues as you build forms, schedules, manage action items, and generate reports - empowering your team to fully leverage Weever’s capabilities.

  • Frame 252 (1)

    Facilitate full launch of your pilot use cases across all relevant departments and equipment, maximizing the benefits of Weever.

  • Frame 252 (1)

    We will provide on-the-floor training and follow-up support for operators, managers, supervisors on additional use cases, ensuring everyone is on board for a successful program-wide implementation.

  • Frame 252 (1)

    Your team will have access to the Weever Accelerate Tracker, providing status updates and ensuring the project moves forward to completion.

Ready to

Get Started?