
Continuously improve staff skills and knowledge.

Training is key to fostering employee engagement by investing in their knowledge and skills. In order to improve and ensure preventive measures are realized, staff need to be trained on updated procedures. Quizzes are a great way to update knowledge, enhance engagement, and ensure compliance.

Add Lessons & Questions

Assign Quizzes

Assess Results


Add Lessons & Questions

Create quizzes in minutes.

Use the Form Builder to add learning materials and quiz questions. Automatically score and grade submissions.

Add document links

Add videos & images

Add multiple choice questions

Automatically score & grade


Assign Quizzes

Ensure everyone is on the same page.

Automatically notify staff when a quiz is assigned.

Documentation (SOPs, OPLs, etc.)

Videos & Photos

Answer questions

Scores and grades are hidden


Assess Results

Understand, assess and evaluate - at a glance.

Understand completion status and key metrics.

Understand completions

Automatically update reports

Evaluate issues

Create action items


Take a Guided Tour.

In just 30 minutes you will learn about customizing and using forms, workflow automation, reviewing reports, and sharing data with other business systems.