Leveraging Your 5S Audit Scorecard for Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing with Weever

Explore continuous improvement in manufacturing with Weever's 5S audit scorecard. Enhance efficiency and drive innovation with configurable tools.

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5S Overview

5S Planning

5S Implementation

5S Auditing

5S Audit Digitization


Fostering an environment of continuous improvement and innovation is vital for staying competitive in today's manufacturing industry. One of the most effective frameworks for fostering this environment is the 5S methodology-Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. These steps help organizations optimize their workspaces, leading to increased efficiency, reduced waste, and a more agile production process.

Weever's flexible tools are made to get the most out of your 5S audit scorecards, turning them from simple checklists into active tools for change. With Weever, manufacturers can take data in a way that fits their needs, making sure that all of the feedback is useful and in line with their long-term goals. Our easy-to-use dashboards show real-time data visualizations that give you insights that help you make better decisions and speed up changes. Weever makes sure that deviations are quickly fixed by setting automated alerts based on scorecard results. This helps them maintain the high standards needed for operational success. Weever doesn't just back the 5S method; it makes it more effective, which helps manufacturers reach and maintain peak operational performance.


Weever's 5S audit form template can be downloaded for free here.

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What is a 5S Audit Scorecard, and Why is it Important for Manufacturing Operations?

As you look at how well your company is using 5S, the 5S audit report is an important tool to have. It lets you give each of the 5S steps a score, which helps you see how well they're working and find places where they can be improved. 

In addition to individual scores, the scorer also figures out the median score for the whole group, which gives a full picture of how efficient the whole thing is. This tool is especially useful for the industrial and factory sectors because it encourages strong quality and organizational practices that often lead to better results and products. You can start improving your 5S strategies right away and get better results by adding this report to your processes right now.

Below is an example of a generic manufacturing 5S audit and its "Pass/Fail" elements for each individual 5S step. A proper form template can be downloaded here.

Sort (Seiri): Declutter

  • Is the area free of unnecessary or aged clutter or debris? 
  • Is there any obsolete or unneeded paperwork in the Work Area? Expired quality alerts, outdated data. 

Set in Order (Seiton): A Place for Everything

  • Locations for tools, equipment, paperwork, furniture, and materials are clearly marked and labeled and stowed properly when not in use. 
  • Are there required things that are NOT in their specified location? Check for stock / trolleys and equipment that are out of footprint / location.
  • Abnormal or NOT OKAY conditions are easily identified from OKAY flow, process, and conditions. Stop switches, breakers, and emergency equipment are highly visible and located for easy access in case of emergency. 

Shine (Seiso): Cleanliness Breeds Productivity

  • Is the overall area clean and tidy? Check the machinery for contamination (dust / dirt). Are the floors clear of debris? Is the general appearance of the area acceptable? 
  • Trash and cardboard bins being used properly, no trash laying around, cardboard being put in cardboard bins.
  • Are painted areas in good condition? Check: walls / floors / machinery / equipment.
  • All cleaning materials and supplies are properly stored and readily available. Cleaning schedule including frequency and responsibilities displayed and maintained in the work area. 

Standardize (Seiketsu): Consistency is Key

  • All improvement actions from previous audit are addressed. 
  • Is the Visual Standard of ideal condition up to date? Check when the standard was last reviewed. Has there been any changes to an area that would impact the standard? 
  • All charts and metrics in the area are current and complete - Example: Safety/Quality / Scrap/Production/Output.

Sustain (Shitsuke): Cultivate a Habit of Excellence

  • 5S activities are resourced with time and materials needed.
  • Is there progress being made in the area? Or are the standards in the area being maintained? Progress should be seen in areas that have had open issues raised in previous audits. If the area is consistently at the required score, are they maintained? 
  • Recognition is given to teams that demonstrate 6S excellence, compliance, or improvement.
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Keep It Simple: Avoid 5S Audit Template Overload

Manufacturing operations and workstations can be incredibly complex. So it's no surprise that 5S audit scorecards can also become overly complex as more and more templates are created to specialize for each area of a manufacturing operation.

We advise adopting a single standard audit template, enhanced with documents or information relevant to the particular workstation being evaluated. Each audit employs the same set of questions, which the auditor marks as "Passed" or "Failed." This approach streamlines the auditing process and facilitates easier reporting.

Can Anyone Perform 5S Audits with a Scorecard?

A certified lean practitioner is the best person to do a 5S audit, but peer-to-peer evaluation methods can also be used. Certified lean practitioners usually do more thorough audits because they have more experience finding chances and getting rid of things that get in the way of efficiency.

With peer-to-peer auditing, on the other hand, frontline workers and managers are more directly involved in the 5S auditing process. This increases engagement and increases the program's chances of long-term success. As a general rule, it's best to have experienced auditors do the first ones. These people can also train new employees on the job. A peer-to-peer method can take over when the first one is ready.

Learn more about training 5S Auditors with Weever here.


A Photo is Worth a Thousand Workstations

We suggest capturing photos of the workstation once the initial optimization process, covering the first three 5S steps, is complete.

At the start of each audit, auditors should review these photos to understand the expected appearance and functionality of the workstation.

Taking recent pictures of the computer is another good way to quickly show how it looks, which is especially helpful if there are problems with the audit.

It's easy for auditors to add pictures and videos to their reports with Weever's 5S audit software. Text data can be captured with Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which makes the collection of content and context faster and more complete. Click here to find out more about Weever's picture, OCR, and video capture.

Scoring the Perfect 5S

To give a 5S task a good score, you should look at the workplace using each of the five S's separately and then add up the scores to get a final score. But the score process is more than just checking things off a list; it's really about finding places where things could be better.

When you do a 5S check, you have to do more than just try to be perfect in each "S." It includes coming up with a complete and game-changing plan for planning and improving the culture of the workplace. Adopting the 5S method will not only set your company up for success, but it will also encourage a mindset of constant improvement and new ideas. 

Weever's software automatically grades 5S audits and offers next steps that can be taken, based on rules set by the program administrator.

Learn more about Weever's digital 5S auditing software solutions here.


Read our Ultimate Guide for 5S Auditing

  • Extremely simple and easy to use.
  • Save time with automated reporting and administration.
  • Capture richer data and manage improvement workflows.
  • Automate schedules to ensure compliance.

Ultimate Guide to Success with 5S

How-to instructions, best practices, and customer stories to help you set up and manage a highly effective and impactful 5S program.

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