Incident Report Dashboard

Microsoft Power BI Template

Microsoft Power BI Template

TABLE of contents

    Do you have a question?

    How do Incident Reports Work?

    Incident Reporting Systems are methods of reporting near misses or adverse events to enable organizational improvement. An incident report is a tool that documents any event that may, or may not, have caused injuries to a person or damage to a company asset. It is used to capture injuries and accidents, near misses, property and equipment damage, health and safety issues, security breaches and misconducts in the worksite.

    Why are Incident Reports Important?
    1. Help prevent recurrences.
    2. Ensure compliance with regulations.
    3. Reduce the risk of liability.
    4. Ensure appropriate details are captured.
    Why Digitize Incident Reports?

    Effective incident management requires real-time, accessible tools that ensure foolproof execution. Digital tools help you instantly understand what is happening, where investigations are at and what needs to improve.

    1. Increased Accessibility & Compliance.
    2. Automate Administration.
    3. Enhance Real-time Visibility.

    Learn about the Platform.

    Download the brochure to get all the details about how Weever works.

    • Functionality Details
    • Security Features
    • Case Studies


    Take a Guided Tour.

    In just 30 minutes you will learn about customizing and using forms, workflow automation, reviewing reports, and sharing data with other business systems.