CPG factory realizes massive wins through Autonomous Maintenance with Weever.

Over 500% increase in AM participation and 30% administrative time savings. 


case study highlights

  • Over 500% increase in participation, with over 3,000 5S, Clean-Inspect-Lubricate (CIL), and Centerline reports completed in the first 8 months.
  • 30% time savings due to automated reporting through Weever's integration with Microsoft Power BI.
  • Autonomous Maintenance (AM) program led to a notable increase in operator engagement.
  • Operators displayed a heightened interest in their roles, contributing to improved machine performance.
  • Significant reduction in unplanned maintenance, contributing to increased Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).
  • Weever became the go-to workflow management solution used across all departments for gathering frontline data, automating workflows, and real-time reporting.

At the beginning of 2022, Mark started his new job as Maintenance Manager for a global CPG manufacturer.

He was excited and wanted to make his mark.

He noticed immediately that there were a number of short line stops due to product non-conformance issues, and, as a result, his technicians were continuously inspecting and cleaning machine parts to establish baselines and try to predict when breakdowns would occur.

1: The Challenge

As a Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) practitioner, Mark decided to institute an Autonomous Maintenance (AM) program.

Autonomous Maintenance is a pillar within the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) methodology that offloads minor maintenance tasks, like cleanings, inspections and lubrications, to machine operators. The practice offers the immediate benefit of providing operators with more responsibility and knowledge, which enhances engagement and retention.

Another benefit of the practice is that maintenance technicians are now free to spend more time on proactive maintenance planning. The end result is more engaged operators, less unplanned maintenance and increased OEE.

Mark began by training operators on basic CIL (Clean, Inspect, and Lubricate) tasks. He instituted a schedule mostly administered through shift huddles and asked operators to fill out forms when the tasks were completed. If there were any failures, they were told to tell maintenance immediately.

The AM program provided instant benefits. Operators seemed more interested in their jobs and the machines were running better than ever.

There were some issues, however, mostly caused by the paper forms used to manage data capture and workflows.

"I was spending about 30% of my day manually inputting data from paper forms and battling spreadsheets", Mark told us. Mark wanted to spend his time working with techs on solutions, not building reports for his leadership team.

Some of the other issues Mark was facing included:

  • He was spending a lot of time training part-time employees that left the company soon after.
  • Operators were constantly forgetting steps, completing them incorrectly or not doing them at all.
  • Inspections were missed and the promised data to inform proactive maintenance was not being realized.
  • He wanted to share the data with his CMMS, which he was using to manage Predicitive Maintenance, which required him to manually input the data twice.
Add instrucAdd instructions, tasks and steps. tions, tasks and steps.

2: The Implementation

Mark approached Weever in the summer of 2022 and asked us to help him digitize his AM program. "I was attracted to Weever because of the platform's single site licensing fees, which meant I could get everyone involved without having to worry about increasing costs."

Mark also noted that the CMMS he was using for Predictive Maintenance did not have the functionality required to manage inspection schedules and build forms. "Weever made it really easy to digitize inspection schedules and build forms that included videos and images that helped to guide my staff through the inspections process," said Mark.

Also, due to high staff turnover, he needed a solution that would provide real-time instructions and was very user-friendly. "The machine operators seemed to really like how easy it was to execute and submit inspections including photos and videos. I think the platform gave them some confidence and made the process more enjoyable. As a result, I didn't have to chase after them to complete their CILs nearly as much."

The implementation process went like this:

  • Mark worked with Weever’s Customer Success team to digitize his paper CIL and centerline forms.
  • He set up a small internal team to test the platform on a single line first before rolling the final solution across the entire plant.
  • With a highly successful initial launch, the team expanded to all lines across the entire site and today they are averaging over 1,500 AM submissions per month.
  • Mark used the insights from Weever to determine inspections that could be eliminated from the program to increase efficiency and simplify the process.
  • The automated reporting gave him back a few hours each day that he now uses more proactively.

"Weever's Inspection scheduling feature was a huge time saver. I could just set up the inspection schedule and not worry about it. I was alerted when an inspection was missed and I could see at any time an overview of pass, failed and missed inspections. It made it really easy to manage participation."

- Mark, Maintenance Manager, Global CPG Manufacturer


Weever's Customer Success team helped Mark and his technicians understand how to set up their Weever account, including building forms and schedules and adding assets, such as lines, work areas, machine & equipment and so on.

Teresse, an operator at the facility, really enjoyed how accessible and user friendly Weever was to use. "With other systems that were "mobile apps", our staff got disengaged a lot because of continuous app updates," she said. "Every time they opened the app it would update. Weever is cloud-based, so you just access it by scanning a QR code on the machine and it opens in the devices browser, so you can access it on virtually any device and you don't have to wait for updates to complete."

Add instructions, tasks and steps.

3: The Results

Since the launch of Weever, Mark realized an over 500% increase in participation. Over 3,000 5S, CILs and Centerline reports were completed in the first 8 months alone.

Mark also got that "30% of his day" back because all of the reporting was automated through Weever's integration with Microsoft Power BI. This allowed him to spend his time more strategically on efforts to predict and prevent machine breakdowns instead of "batting spreadsheets".

Since the initial implementation, Weever is now the go-to workflow management solution used across all departments to gather frontline data, automate workflows and real-time reporting.

"Weever has been a dream for our facility. The software is very accessible and easy to use both by our operators as well as the administrators who set it up. The team at Weever was super helpful and I felt like they were committed to our success."

- Mark, Maintenance Manager, Global CPG Manufacturer

Autonomous Maintenance

  • ONE SITE LICENSE - No user and setup fees.
  • TRUSTED SOLUTION - Over 2 million jobs completed worldwide.
  • GET STARTED TODAY - Customize an expert-built template in minutes.


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In just 30 minutes you will learn about customizing and using forms, workflow automation, reviewing reports, and sharing data with other business systems.

Ultimate Guide to Success with Autonomous Maintenance

Everything you need to know about how Autonomous Maintenance works and the best practices gleaned from our 10+ years of experience helping organizations achieve success.

Everything you need to know about how Autonomous Maintenance works and the best practices gleaned from our 10+ years of experience helping organizations achieve success.


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