
photo, OCR & video capture

Tell the full story more efficiently. 

Make it easy for staff to add photos and videos to reports. Capture text data using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Capture more content and context more efficiently.


PHOTos & sketch

Say a “thousand words” and reduce the “guesswork”.

Capture one or multiple photos using virtually any device. Add sketches on top of the photo. Staff can take photos using the native camera or upload photos. This saves time and adds rich context to reports.

Video capture-min

Video Capture

Capture a video on site and upload it to your form submission.

Sometimes taking a picture just doesn't cut it. You can now capture a video directly from Weever and upload it with your submission.

Optical Character Recognition iphone 12-min

optical character recognition (OCR)

Add the information quickly and accurately.

Automatically detect and add text and numbers to forms using the devices camera.

form reports video capture

Dynamic Reporting

Automatically link videos and photos to reports.

You can review the videos directly from the flat list view of all your submissions in Form Reports. If you export your data from Form Reports you will also be able to access your video through a direct link.


Learn about the Platform.

Download the brochure to get all the details about how Weever works.

  • Functionality Details
  • Security Features
  • Case Studies


Take a Guided Tour.

In just 30 minutes you will learn about customizing and using forms, workflow automation, reviewing reports, and sharing data with other business systems.